This is a secure page that will allow you to safely enter credit card information. You can also call our office at 816-541-8989 to set up a payment option.
Please fill out the credit card authorization form below.
Cards on File will be used for:
* Recurring payments -This would include things such as monthly services, domain renewals, hosting renewals, SSL certificate renewals, and quarterly security updates.
Credit Card on File – What are the benefits to me?
Customers who have a credit card on file will no longer have to worry about statements and mailing in payments. Having a credit card on file will make the will make the billing process easier, faster and more efficient.
How can I be assured that my credit card information will remain safe?
Our credit card processing vendor will store your information on a secure and encrypted site, which will enable us to run bank card transactions through our computer system. No employee will have access to your bank card information. No credit card information will be stored in or at our office.